I have to admit that I never liked sitting. It is boring. Just sitting there for hours? Why not go out and have a coffee with a friend? Go see a movie, take a walk, or read a book. Any of this would be better than sitting for hours with nothing to do.
Last night, while walking home from badminton, I heard a woman yell, "Hit it, hit it!" as she banged a pair of tongs on the sidewalk. She chased after the mouse..."Kill it, kill it!" She kept missing the mouse, as it scurried left and right, forward and around, dodging that pair of tongs...
On 24th May 2013, me and my classmates, Emily Wong and Selin Cheung met up at the Sham Shui Po Train station at exit A. At 5:50, we went out into the Sham Shui Po wilderness and handed out food...
筆者:明哥,多謝您給予機會讓大家學習布施。 明哥:不用客氣,帶多些年青人來親身體驗一下吧! 提起深水埗明哥,相信港人不會太陌生,皆因電視報刊都常有報導。某某燒味店老板,落手落腳親自派飯給露宿者等等,時有聽聞。